Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Make Sex Fun

I have always had the attitude that sex should be fun, wild, and uninhibited, where two people either of the same sex or opposite sex let go and have an open mind about when it comes to sex.

Try new things in the bedroom (or wherever you like to have sex) and keep it fresh and exciting; always changing things up. People as humans get bored with the same 'ol same 'ol all the time; it has to be fun and you should be open to this to keep your partner interested. I have always had the idea (as well as many others do) that you should do whatever you have to do to make your partner happy; if it makes the other person happy, just do it; I am sure it won't kill you for a few minutes of your partners pleasure. If your partner likes oral give them a few minutes of it just to make them happy, if your partner wants to try a sex toy, go shopping together and decide on one or even a couple of toys.

Sex toys are actually a great thing; they can actually give you stronger, longer orgasms. They will also put zest into a relationship and help things from getting old. In case your wondering, if you're a guy or your guy thinks a sex toy will please you or your woman in your life better than you can, you're very wrong. There's nothing like the feeling of a real penis inside of her pounding away and the toy cannot cuddle with her afterwards. Dildos have always been good for menopausal and pre-menopausal women because it keeps her vagina toned and helps with other sexual issues.

On a final note; if you're uncomfortable about going to an adult store to purchase a sex toy, you have the internet which you can shop in private without any embarrassment. In the coming post I will post some really good adult companies to purchase sex toys from, these will be hand picked and I will also include pictures of certain items and review some items for you.

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